Apple has announced the dates for it's annual developer's conference, WWDC. This year, WWDC is supposed to go on from 10 June 2013-14 June 2013. Tickets for WWDC 2013 can be bought from the Apple Developers Website from 10 AM PDT, 25 April 2013. WWDC which stands for WorldWide Developers Conference is a hub for all the iOS & MacOSX developers from all around the world to interact and share their knowledge and expertise and help each other.
The annual Worldwide Developers Conference has always been the hub for the latest launches of software. Last year, at WWDC 2012, iOS 6 and MacOSX 10.8 Mountain Lion were announced along with the introduction of the cloud service, iCloud.
This time around, there are rumors already that Apple would be taking off the curtains of it's newest mobile mobile operating system, iOS 7. For the last 6 years, iOS's design has always been the same and has never changed. This time around, iOS 7 is expected to be a total redesign from the previous versions. iOS 7 is supposed to have a more flat design with the software being designed from the ground up.
This time, there are also talks of a new desktop operating system, MacOSX 10.9.
All in all, this year, WWDC is expected to be a big hit with a lot of new product launches and a lot of new launches. We will keep you updated with the latest happening from WWDC 2013.