Google has finally launched Google Play Books service in India. Android , iOS, PC users in India will finallly be able to choose, download and read from over 5 million titles currently available in the Play books library.
The books in the Indian Play Store cost Rs. 50(~$1) and above and users can download them from the Google Play books store.
Play Store features a huge library of books which also include some by Indian Authors. There are also some special deals going on which include the books costing less than Rs. 100(~$2).
Google made this announcement via the Google India Blog. In the blog post they wrote,
We’re happy to make it even easier for all Indian book lovers to discover and buy whatever they want to read, whether that’s the next bestseller, a new release from their favourite author or a well-loved classic. Whether you’re a bookworm or casual reader, we hope you find something great to read on Google Play.About three months ago, Apple made their iTunes store available in India. The launch is significant because, to date, Google has opened very little of its Google Play content in emerging markets. Indeed, India aside, Brazil is the only other developing market to enjoy access to Books, although the Latin American country also got access to the Google Play Movies section when Google extended its app store there in December 2012.